NPFL Board
Victor is the chairman of Ha Ha Station, a sheep & beef operation on the East Cape and chairman of Awatere Station a honey, dairy support and forestry operation in the Awatere Valley, Te Araroa.
He is also an independent director for Ngati Pahauwera Commercial Development Limited which governs $53 million of treaty settlement assets.
Victor is the former General Manager of the Ngati Porou Miere (Honey) Limited Partnership, a member of the Executive Management group of Ngati Porou Holding Company Limited, chairman of the Miere Working Group and an associate director of the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Honey Association.
Victor Goldsmith
Presently employed as a Portfolio Manager for mental health,alcohol and other addictions for the Tairāwhiti DHB involved with many community and national governace groups
Involved with Tribal and community issues.
Married to Barbara for 49 years, four children and a host of Mokos
Portfolio Manager
Owen Lloyd